Sunday, September 27, 2020

Recent happenings

We decided to splurge on a Palos Verdes blanket last week.  It was a choice between this colored one:

... or a one-colored one.  The store had other colors too but this brown one was hanging in the store:
We picked the colored one.  Love it!  It has most of the iconic places around us.  Right now, we have it hanging by the boys' TV/living room.  I think I want to hang it somewhere else where I can actually see it.  Still deciding then... hmmm....

While I was in the store, I found these pair of sandals.  They were pretty comfy but not sure if they were $100 comfy!  I'll have to think about these, but according to the store owner - a lot of people were recommended this brand of sandals for foot issues (and of course, she was trying to sell me a pair, right??):
One of Bobby's work shirt had a nice rip by the elbow so as usual, we are going to use the boys' iron-on patches.  These patches never quite stick properly so I decided to reinforce it by sewing it too.  I'm glad it was just the first stitch where I accidentally stitched another part of the shirt.  Otherwise, I would have been quite mad!
He he... I hope Bobby likes shooting stars! :-D
Our snail "Zebra" is trying to escape again!!!  But so far he has not gone beyond the lip.  Phew!
I was rummaging through some old things and going through a box in the garage and found a whole bunch of names!  It's a list of names suggested by my mother-in-law for either Graham or Charlie before they were born.  Precious!
I finally finished up clearing the side yard.  Here's the before:
Ta da!!!  Hmmm... looking pretty bare now.  Ha ha!  But at least the ivy is under control and soon enough, those flowers will be sprouting again.  
These flowers... I have no idea what they are called.  There are ones with pink flowers too:
In the meantime, our green big spider is still in the yard!
And yesterday, our neighbor came by to chat with us for a few minutes.  And while he was there, I noticed a giant grasshopper in our garden!  And he said his turtle would eat it so he just grabbed the big grasshopper by it's leg (it was at least 2.5" long!) and off he went.  Ha ha!

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