Monday, September 21, 2020

New mower

Looks like Bob gave in and bought a new mower!  We've been using a push mower and the boys are having a tough time with it as the grass has been quite thick.  Graham and especially Charlie are just not quite strong enough to push through that sticky grass. 

This mower is a beast! I was hoping Bobby would come home with a smaller one but the options were limited in the store for an electric one:

But it seems to be a lot easier to push:
Look, it even has headlights!  (right above the brandname)
One more thing to take up more space on the back patio!
Here Graham goes in the front yard.  The mower is still bulky for him to maneuver, but hopefully he will grow into it :-)
And to think Bobby went out to just get a new battery for the weed whacker.  He actually came home with a brand new weed whacker AND the new mower.  It's crazy to think how expensive those batteries are!  Anyway, so much for a quick shopping trip.  Ha ha!

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