Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Random recent happenings

The boys have been doing PE once a week.  Charlie has PE first thing Thursday morning.  He was doing it outside until the air was not so good these past couple of weeks. I really should join Charlie.  I'm getting out of shape! Unless round or oval is considered one :-)

I ordered some cheapy earrings online.  It took forever to arrive! But when it finally did, the earring hung really long/low under my ear lobes.  So I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I can be quite handy with a pair of pliers.  Ha ha!  Again, good thing these were cheapy earrings :-P
I didn't trim off the same length for each of the earrings but they will work a lot better on my ear!
I was also able to fix Bob's birthday watch.  The little pin came off so I used garden wires to put it back together.  Told you I was handy with a pair of pliers!
This is what happens when Graham eats store-bought banana bread.  He picks out all the walnuts:
Look at the figs from our other tree (the bottom ones).  They are so much bigger!  
Unfortunately, we haven't had too many figs from this other tree.  Oh well, but so far I have come to realized that I need to pick the ripe figs before the squirrel steals them.  I caught him sniffing around the fig tree today and he wasn't even afraid.

I'm glad Charlie brings out the chess set to play with occasionally:
Look at these pretty flowers!  I just need them to grow a whole lot more to cover up more ground in the back:
I told Charlie to draw a snail - so we can put it by our house number along the curb.  I thought he did a really good job!  He copied the snail planter that we have in our front yard :-)
I added some colors and patterns just like in a book on Aborigine objects and animals.  I haven't painted it yet on the curb.  Maybe this weekend:
I told Charlie to put away the recycling bin under the kitchen sink.  Hmm... no wonder I'm getting more white hairs on my head:
We recently purchased one of these air quality monitors.  Somehow, 2 fire alarms have gone off now - one in Charlie's room and the other in the hallway near the boys' room.  And there was no fire!  Could it have been carbon monoxide??? Anyway, maybe this monitor will help. And hopefully the fire department won't be dispatched again.  At least it is good to know that our security company was efficient! 
Another weekend and some more of the side yard cleared up:
It's too bad the garbage truck only emptied out one green bin so I could only fill out one of them this time:
The weather is getting nicer these past few days.  I guess it's time to start doing some more outdoor projects and as usual, there's always something!

And the wall paper finally arrived.  I'll have to find some time to get that put up too for our bathroom.  Hopefully it won't turn out too hideous.  Lol!!! :-P

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