Sunday, September 6, 2020

Back to school (Aug 26)

Graham and Charlie are back at school!  Well, not physically at this point.  We have opted for Distance Learning so the boys are learning from home.  And I didn't think about their school setup until the very last day of the summer holidays.  I did at least get their school supplies taken care.  Graham has a new scientific calculator.  How fancy!
We decided that Charlie would use the dining table as his work space.  Looks like we will have to take this cover off as we will add on the leaf to the table to make it bigger:
I guess Charlie is approving the size of the dining table now.  Ha ha!
It's a good thing we have the bench too.   See, my random purchases do come in handy!  He has enough space for his school bag (for his textbooks and workbooks) and then a box for his school supplies. 
The school provided a nice white board for the kids this year.  Sweet!  Charlie just drew me.  Wow, I have a really big nose!  And obviously my hair is still very short from my buzz cut.  And yes, I am always on my phone.  LOL!!!
We moved Graham's workspace to the big table in the front living room.  He is not on his "Inventor" table in his bedroom as Bobby is using that during the warm days:
The table still looks a bit cluttered but this is as good as it gets!  And it seems to be working alright.  Although Graham seemed a bit short on that chair so we had him sit on a pillow with a thick "Did you know?" book underneath:
Okay, so I figured that would have been quite uncomfortable, so it was another online purchase and it arrived quickly within the next day - a nice thick cushy pillow/seat:
Looks like Charlie is all set for Day 1 of school!  The glasses are just blue-light blocking glasses.  And so far, a week and a half since school has started, he has already misplaced both of them :-\
2nd day of school photo!  I forgot to take one during the first day. And it's inside of the house since it's "At home" this year:

It's a good thing the boys still have PE.  Here is Charlie - first thing Thursday morning.  I think I might have to join him next Thursday.  I did feel a bit guilty drinking my coffee and eating/dipping my biscotti while he was panting and sweating :-P

I keep telling the boys to stay off the computer during their break.  Here's Graham reading on the couch.  It's so cute how he crosses his leg like that.  And funny enough, he does the same thing when he sleeps! 
After so many hours on the computer during "school", is reading considered a break then?  Hmmm.... the kids are definitely going through some interesting times now.  I really wonder if and when they will actually be physically back in school!  Some kids are back but for right now, we are still opting to stay home.  And weirdly enough, poor Graham actually has a mild fever and a sore throat.  He has been taking naps these past 2 days.  He NEVER takes naps!  Hopefully it's nothing serious.

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