Sunday, September 13, 2020

More electrical "work"

Prior to fixing up our master bathroom's pendant light, I had also - for the longest time, wanted to change out the pull-chain mechanism for our bedroom light and also the light switch for the boys' bathroom.

Looks like Daddy caught us all in action.  I had to get the boys to help me out with the fan/light as I couldn't hold the light fixture and fix the pull-chain at the same time:

The most difficult part was actually having to cut the wires with the pair of pliers instead of wire cutters.  By the time I got that done, we were all sweating and Graham and Charlie were complaining about how heavy the light fixture was. I probably should have taken those heavy glass light covers off first, but nah... need to toughen these boys up!
Yay!  We can now turn the lights on and off with no more issues.  Sometimes we would be able to turn the light on but not off because the mechanism would be stuck. So we would just end up unscrewing the light bulbs.  Ha ha!
And now, for the boys' bathroom light switch.  Graham and Charlie has an automatic on and off light switch because it never seems like anyone is turning off the bathroom light!  But because this switch is also a sensor, the light would go off  when the boys are taking their shower. I guess the shower glass door is blocking the movement?!  And then, I would hear... "Mommiiieeee...!!!!"  And that's assuming they had forgotten to turn on the vent/fan + light:
Here's the new fancy-smancy light switch - which is a timer light.  It's set to 5 minutes right now, which means it will turn off after 5 minutes.  Hopefully this will also train them to take shorter showers.  Ha ha!  Although, it can obviously be set to more time if needed:
I think the boys were a bit spoiled with the auto-on when they walked into the bathroom, but sometimes when Bobby and I walk pass the bathroom, the light would turn on automatically too!  Although Charlie made a good point about... "What if my hands are dirty?"  That did make me think, just for a tiny bit :-)

Well, we're sticking to this new one for now and see how it goes. And this switch wasn't cheap either. Like $30??!  Maybe we should just go back and stick to a traditional on/off switch. I do spoil the kids too much!

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