Saturday, September 12, 2020

New air fryer

We've been tempted to get an air fryer for the longest time.  Well, the opportunity finally came when a lady was selling one through the neighborhood App.  Yes, yes... I buy waaaaay too much stuff on this App :-P

The air fryer box had been sitting on the floor for probably over 2 or 3 weeks before I finally opened it up. It was a good thing when I painted the kitchen when I did, as I was able to make some space for yet other appliance on the countertop. So what should we fry up first?  Well, we have plenty of zucchinis from the garden so I thought we'd try fried zucchini first:

I have no idea how this thing fries with air... but it seems to be working!
Doesn't look as good as the photo in the recipe book, but the zucchini is actually cooked all the way through in about 10-15 minutes.  Woah!
We had some leftover french fries and dumped those in there to be heated up.  Maybe a tad too long in the air fryer, but overall not too shabby!
I'm still amazed at how these air fryers work. I love the fact how it doesn't require any oil and it cooks relatively fast.  Well, at least for the simple foods so far.  The boys have been asking about making donuts in the air fryer.  We'll see what happens if/when we do that!

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