Saturday, September 12, 2020

Finally, hanging up clothes line

I've been wanting to do this ever since we moved into this house, so that's almost 2 years ago now.  Can't believe it will be 2 years in this house by Halloween this year!

These drying racks are great but right now, we've been just hanging a lot of masks and this rack really takes up a lot of space in the living room:

I have one of these drying racks that folds up nicely.  I finally bought the correct drill bit and screws to put it up in the laundry area.  I've been really intimated by this stucco.  It's gone through a lot of my other drill bits!
Now that I have the holes drill through the stucco, I just have to get those screws all the way in!  And actually I was off by a tiny, like tiiiiiny little bit and was really struggling to put the clothes rack/hanger up against the wall.  Oops!
But thankfully, with this handy-dandy tool (I can never remember what it's called!), I was able to twist the screw out and put in a different one on:
Every square footage in this house is precious so I'm glad I was able to finally put that big drying rack away! Tada!
There's a shelf on the right edge that I'm sort of tempted to take away or at least cut it off to the point where the hanging/drying lines come out to.  That way I can make full use of every line in that corner. Maybe by next year.  Ha ha! But in the meantime, I suppose all the bigger items can just go on the metal fence :-)

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