Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Installing 2nd pendant light

I finally installed the 2nd pendant light in the boys' bathroom last weekend.  I did send Bobby and Graham and Charlie out of the house so no one would complain that the power is off. Ha!

There was actually one piece/part of the pendant light that was missing, so it took me a while to figure what that part was even called!  So it made my online search even more difficult.  I suppose I could have just taken the part to the store, but that would be too easy :-P

So if you compare these 2 pictures (above and below), it was basically this ring/screw that was missing.  It's basically called the "collar screw", which makes sense now that I know what it is!
And while I was installing the pendant light, the crossbar/(metal) plate was somehow not long enough to attach to the recessed light converter kit.  So the whole process took longer than expected, as I had o ditch the new parts other than just using the new collar screw with the existing parts.  Was I expecting anything else???!

If anything, I think it looks pretty good.  Ta da!!!

I found a couple of Graham and Charlie's dinosaur painting when we lived in Abu Dhabi.  Thought I'd hang those in their bathroom.  Too cute! :-)
This seems to be all the electrical work... for now. Bobby did suggest taking out the florescent lights on the back patio and putting in a nice fan/light combo.  We'll see.  That seems a lot more complicated!

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