Sunday, September 6, 2020

Beach time

I know I'm constantly posting about beach time... but it's always so amazing out during our time on the beach.  Although this time, we went to another beach and I don't know why I always suggest this beach.  There's a hill that you have to hike down, which also means you have to hike back up on the way home!  You can see in the photo - it's basically the hill along to the left side of that big building (on the bottom of the hill).  And then I had forgotten how far the beach is from the path.  And then, there were so many kids learning to surf!  So we had to go down further along the beach even more:

No bodyboards today.  Graham and Charlie are just happy jumping in the waves:
And the waves are big today!!!
Graham said he hurt his bum so it's just Charlie in the video.  And the bird.  Ha!

Here's Graham taking a break.  He must really be hurting to be out of the water.  He LOVES the water!
Poor kid!  Looks like he is beat and done for the day!
My two tired monkeys:
Worse thing is, Graham and Charlie had their music lessons later that day.  We are never doing that again during a minimum day (early out) of school day!!!

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