Wednesday, September 9, 2020

First baby Agave

Our Momma Agave has a baby! I noticed it a couple of weeks ago:
It's kinda cute but I'm not sure if I really want another agave in this area.  They are super prickly and they can get quite big!
I decided to just dig it out and actually, a lady was giving away a free book (through the neighborhood App) and I figured it was a good trade.  The Momma Agave is actually from our neighbor back in Gilbert, AZ.  It's grown so much since I finally decided to put it in the ground:
Here's the Momma Agave when we first moved to this house, when we still had it in the pot:
There were already roots growing on the baby agave thankfully, and you can see how it's attached to the Momma Agave. It's like an umbilical cord!
Hope this baby will be happy at its new home.  The lady was actually quite happy with the exchange:
I think it looks pretty happy, although when I got home after the pick-up/drop off, I felt almost guilty about giving away the Momma Agave's firstborn :-(
Maybe we'll keep the 2nd baby agave?

In the meantime, this other cacti has SO many babies!!!
Each arm of the cacti that I had chopped off (or most like hammered off) a while back - has about 4 or 5 little baby arms growing out of it!  Good news is, a friend of mine wants to pick these little babies for her kids to grow.  More than happy to give them away!  I don't know how these cacti are going to support themselves once all these baby arms grow as I already have support stakes on that now.

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