Sunday, June 7, 2020

What are you most thankful for?

Graham and Charlie has been finishing up their COVID-19 time capsule project.  The one that was provided by their teachers is 10 pages long.   I thought Charlie's answer to "What are you most thankful for?" was so cute!
Yup, you read right - "a roof over my head"!  I guess we said it enough times that the boys know what to say now.  Ha ha!!!

And Graham's answer is so sweet "... for my family."  Awwww.....
And here is Charlie's letter to himself.  It's so funny!  He is asking his future self if he has kids - daughter or boy, and also asking what their names are.  Charlie also writes that he is the "best Charlie"... whenever he reads this in the future :-)
These are definitely interesting times that we are living in right now.  And as if the virus wasn't enough, there are also people protesting, rioting, looting, and police brutality.  What else can this world put up with??!

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