Saturday, June 20, 2020

Finally some beach time, Yay!!!

We finally made it to the sand bit of the beach this week compared to just being on the rocks last time.  I think the trick is to show up on a Tuesday!
I didn't quite position our little tent properly.  I'm trying to stay in the shade!
Graham and Charlie are totally in their element being in the ocean!  I don't know how they are not cold:
After quite a while, they are now on the sand - ready with shovel and all:
I'm sticking to just hanging out and reading my book in the little tent.  Look... birds in their V formation!!!
Graham has managed to dig himself into quite a big hole!
Here is base camp.  As you can see, the sun has moved quite a bit now since I'm running out of shade.  And that means only one thing - almost time to go home!
But let's snack first:
The boys managed to dig up some fancy holes and bridges here:
A great day at the beach!  I've moved the boys' music lesson from Monday to Wednesdays so now we'll at least have the option to go to the beach earlier in the week.  And I may have found the perfect 2 trees to hang their "Ninja hanging ropes", which we bought over a year ago.  We were planning on getting that hung in the backyard but never did quite figure out how/where to put the supporting poles.  Can't wait to get that set up at the park!  I could probably try and get myself into some sort of shape.  Wait... oval and round is a shape, right??? :-P

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