Friday, June 5, 2020

Recent happenings

After figuring out which sort of filter we needed for our standing fan, I was finally able to order one and switch it out today.  YIKES!!!  Although I really shouldn't be too surprised.  We have never changed out the filter since we bought this fan.  I won't tell you how long ago that was :-P
So please go and change out your air conditioner and fan filters when you are done reading this post!!!

And looks like our tether ball has finally had it!  The rope was fraying and I think there was even water in the ball.  Blah... I can't imagine what's growing in there!
This one is so much better.  Yay!!!
Somehow, this caterpillar managed to find my kale.  It sure is good at camouflaging!
And the next day, the hungry caterpillar was gone.  It at least left me the stems of the kale but not sure if it will continue to grow new leaves?  I guess we shall find out.

And find out we did on something else in the yard.  One of the sprinklers in the front yard was spewing water which is totally not what it's suppose to do.  The plastic sprinkler head literally broke into 2 pieces.  I'm glad I noticed it a few days ago when I was turned the sprinklers on:
Thankfully I was able to get a wrench and unscrew what was left out of the pipe.  I'm just glad it wasn't the pipe that burst.  You can see the white PVC pipe as the water had washed away all the soil around it.  And luckily I had saved some sprinkler heads when the gardener worked on the sprinkler system in the backyard last year:
Everything is back in order! Fingers crossed.

The weather has been gloomy the last couple of days.  "June Gloom" is standing up to its name!  And hey, look what I came up with.  I bought some acrylic garland beads and hung them at the bottom of the drapery:
I still have to put a clothes pin on the line to keep the drapery from moving away from the perfect spot.  But at least it's staying down a bit more to keep the sun away from my hubby's precious face.  And the extra bling under the drapery looks pretty too :-)

We've been busy making more avocado and spam rolls.  I've figured out how to get the rice on the outside of the roll, like at the restaurants :-)  Yummm...!!!  Bobby just sticks with avocado rolls.  I keep telling him that spam is like pork roll but he seems to strongly disagree. He! he!
And looks like homeschooling and baking does not go hand-in-hand.  I tried to make orange cake during "school hour" at home.  The recipe called for softened butter.  I had forgotten to take the butter out so I decided to stick the 2/3 cups of butter into the microwave.  Well,... this is what 2/3 cups of MELTED butter looks like.  Ooops!!!
Looks like I won't be doing that again!  I just left the butter out on the counter and thankfully it solidified again. So back in the fridge it goes.  Too funny!!!

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