Friday, June 26, 2020

More projects around the house

Perhaps third time is a charm with this outdoor drape.  So the screen to the right is the fancy one I had bought recently.  And the drape to the left was a piece of fabric (passed along from my mom) that I had found in storage, which I had attached some crystals to at the bottom:
So here is attempt #3 - a throw from IKEA and looks like this will be it!
Another look from the other side.  Winner-winner chicken-dinner!
And ever since we moved into this house, I have wanted to cover up this mirror in our bedroom.  It's a mirror that's also our closet door, which according to my late grandmother: "Never have a mirror facing you when you are sleeping."  Well, technically it is facing Bobby more so than me since I'm on the other side of the bed.  And weirdly enough, Bobby says that he has not been sleeping very well.  Must be all the stress I give him.  Ha ha!  

Anyway, I discovered all these fancy murals online that you can just peel and stick.  And I have chosen... (see it yet?):
Here was the pain-in-the-butt factor - the mural came in 2 pieces! It was bad enough that I had to try and line up the first sheet.  And I knew it was going to be tricky because the first sheet was just that little bit slanted :-\

And yes... I did it!  It is the Eiffel Tower!  Still a place I hope to visit one day.  Now I have the Graham and Charlie talking about visiting it too :-)
So as I had mentioned, I already knew the sheets were going to be slanted and sure enough, oops on the tiny sliver of mirror peeking out!
I did cut the sheet to compensate for the slant but guess I miscalculated just by that little sliver.  Thankfully it's not obvious and guess, what... a few days after installing the mural, Bobby is sleeping so much better!  See... Grandma is always right.  And never underestimate the power of Feng Shui :-) 

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