Sunday, June 14, 2020

Finally, some beach time

It was super hot last week! 100F outside and 86F inside the house. Yikes!
We are working on getting our squeaky air conditioner replaced.  After looking up some videos on the internet (yes, some sort of research), we figured we could just pull the wall-unit out.  Looks like it just might work??!
We ordered a new through-the-wall ac unit online and are waiting for it to arrive later this week.  Looks like a lot of these new ones are not as tall so not sure what we're going to do with the gap. Drywall and stucco is not my thing! In any case, my "throne" is in the middle of the living room now and someone is sitting in it.  Ha!
Well, don't worry - this a/c replacement project will definitely be in the blog - failures and all. Yes, already expecting something to go wrong!

Back to the beach... yup, so many people!!!  And this was on a Thursday.  Definitely way too many people for us to even think about wandering down there.  And I didn't see a lot of people wearing masks either.  Hmmm...
So, we drove to another part of the beach and ended up by the rocks instead. Actually, from the photo on the top - just all the way along to beach to the left. Ya... boys kept complaining that there was no sand.  We haven't been on the rocks for so long either, it's was a bit tricky with the footing:
At this point, we are going to stick to the rocks since there are too many people on this side of the beach too!  Are those people congregated under the tent??!?
Yup, sticking to the rocks for sure now.  I love seeing the boys close like this:
How is it that this group of dad and 2 kids thought it was okay to intrude into the boys' space??!  They are obviously not obeying the social distancing rules!  I had to ask the boys to put up their mask, which meant pulling up their turtle necks up.  Charlie likes to pull up his entire shirt to the back of his head too.  Ha!
Looks like the bucket is coming in handy.  I have no idea what these things are.  Snails? I told Bobby I would bring these home for him for dinner :-)
Graham is on some sort of mission:
Tide is coming in!
We are looking for crabs under the rocks, and "we" as in the boys.  I just plop my bum on a flat rock and enjoy the sun, the wind, and the sound of the waves.  And take lots of photos of course :-)
Graham found the antenna of a lobster???
Charlie caught a crab!!!
I was hoping we would get a better photo but this one was it.  The crab pinched Charlie's finger and he dropped the crab!
Well, all the sea creatures needed to go back to it's natural habitat anyway.  I was almost THIS close to letting the boys bring them home.  But we don't have any sort of fish tank.  I mean, Graham and Charlie collected some roly pollies the other day, put them in a jar with some soil, leaves, and what nots... and then haven't attended to them since.  That was like 3-4 days ago!!! And, they left the jar in the sun too.  Sounds like they put the roly pollies through some sort of torture, but it started out as some spa retreat???  Let's just say the roly pollies did NOT see that coming!  I wasn't going to let them do that to the poor crab and snails :-\

Well, it's always a good outing when Charlie falls asleep in the car on the way home:
I told the boys we would try to go to the beach again later this week.  Hopefully it won't be too crowded earlier in the week.  We'll see what happens!  They are just dying to get their feet into the sand.  Poor kids!  And wait, did I mention that the summer holidays has already begun.  Yay!!! No more homeschooling!!! :-D

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