Saturday, June 27, 2020

Magic "Science-y" slippers

I bought a pair of slippers, I mean - Graham and Charlie bought me a pair of orthopedic slippers for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.  Bobby says it's almost like "torture slippers" because the soles of your feet really hurt after wearing them:
And yup, this is what the soles of my feet look like after a few minutes of wearing these slippers!  Oh, Graham called them very "science-y" because every knob on the slipper has an organ (like body organ) associated to it.  It almost reminds me of acupuncture points for the Chinese.

So what's crazy about these slippers is after wearing them for 2 weeks, my posture has changed.  I could feel the posture changing even after a few days and I feel the weight of my body more balanced/centered.  My shoulders are also less hunched over and my hips don't hurt anymore from sitting down for too long.  That last issue really bothered me as the pain in my hips would actually wake me up while I'm sleeping. And I swear, I'm even walking differently now!

I'm still trying to convince Bobby to try them, at least for a few minutes a day with socks on.  He's got to believe me at least just a little bit, especially now that he is finally sleeping better too.  I covered up the closet mirror with a mural as I told him that the Feng Shui is not good and finally, it's been 3 days in a row where he has slept all the way until morning!

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