Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Installing new ac unit - Part 1

So the "handyman" made the cut for the wood and now has to fit it into this frame to support the new ac unit:
The old metal frame/sleeve was a beast!  Although, to be fair - the old unit was 15,000 BTU and this new one is only 12,000 BTU:
After a few minutes of banging the piece of wood with a hammer and dry-fitting the new sleeve (like 6 times!), looks like we have it at the right height.  And what can I say... perfect fit! :-)
I also added, I mean the "handyman" also added this small piece of wood since the top piece of wood was just "floating".  Makes me really wonder what else was being cut sloppily behind these walls???  I probably should have leveled up the top piece since not the entire thing is sitting flush on the bottom piece.  Well, perhaps it is now better than what it was??? What do I know about constructing.  Ha ha!
Anyway, the new sleeve is in.  Ta da!!!  Getting those 4 screws in was a pain, like literally on my hand because I could not find the battery charger for my hand-drill!
And then, I had Bobby help me put the ac unit into the sleeve.  Yay!!! Success!!!
Hmmm.... it's looking slanted! NNNOOOOoooooo....!!!!
Well, I'm fitting the foam in for now between the ac unit and also the sleeve/frame.  And then, since I'm not able, I mean the "handyman" is not able to cover up the top gap, we shoved it with newspapers to block the bugs and rodents:
This sleeve is still an eyesore (from the rear) but at least it's nice and new.  And best of all, no more squeaking!  Bobby is definitely liking that part!!!
There are also gaps along the outside between the sleeve and wall/stucco so I will need to get that "handyman" to caulk and seal that too.  Well, one thing at a time.  Dry walling and slapping on some tape and compound on the inside.  And then sanding and painting (I hope I can find the right paint color!).  I told Bobby that it probably would have been cheaper to hire a real professional to get this done!  Already spent so much just on boxes of nails and a new saw and what-nots!
As usual, will keep you all posted on the progress :-)
And oh, I did mind my battery charger for my hand-drill today. So happy! Yay!!!

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