Sunday, May 3, 2020

The "New Normal" with Grocery shopping

Bobby has been doing the grocery shopping these past few weeks now.  Actually, it's probably approaching a couple of months!  I cut up some of the fabric that I had used to make the boys' pajama shorts to make no-sew masks.  Graham is more than happy to help Daddy put them on :-)
Ha ha!  Cheeky Graham!  We also started using coffee filters in between the mask.  Better safe than sorry!

Bobby has been bringing home lots of groceries!  He said that if he does touch something, he would just throw it into the cart.  At one point, he would shop, come home,...
... and since he couldn't find any flour in one store, he would go out and find more stuff at another grocery store!
There's so much stuff that I can't even fit it into the kitchen cabinets.  I have been using the bench by the doorway.  Ha ha!  I've yet to clear out all the books that the neighbor had given us too on this bench.  Geez... we really need a bigger house!
Anyway, it's White Whole Wheat flour for now.  I have been mixing it with regular All Purpose flour until that's done:
So far, "Pancake" the sourdough starter hasn't complained too much.  Or let's just say it hasn't died on me yet :-D

We have also been doing some online grocery shopping for curb-side pickup.  As of right now, we are having issues getting Kleenex tissues.  Worse case, we will have to use toilet paper to blow our noses.  I wonder what Graham will think about that.  He's never had to do that before. LOL!!!

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