Sunday, May 10, 2020

Rock fish anyone?

Our neighbor across the street went fishing at Catalina Island the weekend before last and caught some fish!  She texted me and asked if we wanted some.  I was actually going to say no at first but then I thought, "How often can we actually get super fresh fish??!"  My dad used to go fishing a lot when I was growing up in Malaysia and we almost always had fresh fish at the dinner table.  Bobby actually calls me a "Fish Snob" because the minute I put my fork through the fish, I can tell whether the fish is fresh or not :-)

Anyway, so I told the neighbor YES! and she walked over with the fresh fish.  I'm so glad her husband had cleaned it out already - taking the guts out and also taking the fish scales off. Phew!
The boys ran away after seeing what was in the bag.  Ha ha!  I hope these kids learn to eat fish!  It's probably my fault for not exposing them to it at home.  I really need to start cooking more fish but Bobby doesn't like seeing the whole fish and has a difficult time seeing the actual fish on the table.  I'm not sure how he survived fish night at our home back in Malaysia then!?  He must really love me to go through those nights and also watching my dad eat the fish head too. LOL!!!

Well, I thought I'd try and filet the fish.  Bob always says that fish should just be on styrofoam platters, wrapped and all clean with no fish head, fin, or tail.  Hmmmm....
I don't have any styrofoam but I do have a sharp knife, thankfully!  I was really worried about stinking up my good knife though.  Ha ha!  And well, actually... I probably should have been more concerned about not knowing how to filet a fish.  This is my first time ever!  Sort of embarrassing maybe,... over 40 years old and have never fileted a fish before.

After a couple of online videos, here goes! Success!!! :-D
I wrapped up the filets and cooked it the following night.  Just a simple pan fry with vegetable oil and a bit of salt and pepper:
Ta da!!!  Looking pretty good!
Yum!!!  This was actually the 3rd and 4th piece of filet.  I splashed some soy sauce on the fish after it was cooked, which is why the bowl already looked quite messy.
Bobby didn't touch the fish at all (let alone look at it!) since he had already seen where I fileted it from. I still don't get this... it's a fish! It's not like I'm asking him to eat a bat/flying fox.  It's a good thing my dad didn't serve that up when he went to visit me in Malaysia. Bobby probably would have dumped me on the spot then. :-P

Anyway, I did get Graham to take one baby bite and he didn't like it too much.  I think he was already brainwashed by Bobby.  At least Charlie is still my foodie partner.  He took about 4-5 bites of the fish. I was trying to convince the boys that eating fish makes them smart.  At least that's what my parents and grandparents used to tell me :-)

OMG!!! It is true!!!
Might be too late to convert Bobby but hopefully there is still some hope with the kids!

On another note, Bobby was eating some tapenade (diced olives and what-not) a few nights ago and as I don't like olives or the smell too much, I told him to move it to his other side of the table.  And then he mentioned that this situation is like the fish.  Wait... what?!  Ha ha!  Well, let's agree to disagree then ;-P

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