Friday, May 15, 2020

Happy Mother's Day - Part 2 (May 10)

Happy Mother's Day Part 2!  This is where the boys and I celebrated Mother's Day but previously during the week, Charlie had a worksheet to fill up:
Wait... what?!  My mom is as cool as my dad.  How did that happen??! 

And then, Graham wrote a cute poem for me as his school assignment:
Graham is so sweet... when he wants to be.  Ha ha!  And speaking of sweet, my neighbor across the street was so sweet in bringing over some flowers!  The yellow flowers were perfect for a little color splash by the front stoop :-)
The boys also presented me with a little gift and another card.  Yay!!!
And then, Daddy took care of the breakfast - chocolate pancake, smothered with even more chocolate/Nutella.  Nothing like a sugar rush!
Happy Mother's Day!!!  We have really been enjoying using the outdoor patio these past few weeks. The weather has been excellent!
And then, reality sinks in... literally in the kitchen sink.  Where did all these dishes come from??!
Well, at least I didn't have to do dishes again later in the evening.  Bobby went out and picked up food from a Malaysian/Indonesian restaurant.  It was quite the hike for the food (30 minutes away) but it was worth every penny.  Even the boys love it!
Well, the boys really just tuck into the "satay" skewers.  Mommy on the other hand loves everything else!  Tonight's dinner is a spicy "laksa" with egg noodles.  SUPER YUM!!!
The dish also comes with these hard boiled eggs that actually Charlie enjoyed very much too. I hope he continues to be my foodie buddy!

By the way, both Graham and Charlie filled up some of these coupons which I can claim when I want to.  I'm not sure if Graham actually filled up the one that says "Good for eating all my vegetables". Ha ha!  He did fill this one up - "Good for a day of fun with me" and he added "Say Yes to everything." LOL!!!
And this other coupon says "Good for 1 free kiss" and Graham added "on the lips".  I thought that was so cute!  Graham and Charlie used to kiss on the lips when they were younger but then Charlie would always fight him on it, which is too bad. I really liked them being affectionate like that.
No Mother's Day is complete without thinking of my mom. I may have posted this photo before - of her with my dad during his graduation at Otago University in New Zealand:
It's so weird during this Safer At Home order because every time I am homeschooling Graham and Charlie, it totally reminds me of how she was teaching me at home.  No I wasn't homeschooled but mom made sure we had plenty of "extra" homework other than those provided by the school.  Phew!  Graham and Charlie don't know how lucky they are as to how much they are getting away with!  Tablet time??! None of that existed when I was growing up. We didn't even have a home computer!

The anniversary of Mom's 13th year of passing will be coming up this mid June.  I can't believe it's been that long ago now.  I only wish Graham and Charlie had a chance to meet her.  I suppose they are in some way seeing part of her through some of my "Tiger mom" personality... strict and demanding  ;-P

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