Monday, May 4, 2020

Poems and Art

Here is a collection of Graham's poems that he had worked on these past few weeks.  There were guidelines for each type and he was able to come up with some good ones!

I had the toughest time pronouncing "Cinquain".  I have to think "sin-cane". The rules for this type of poem in its most basic form is:
2 syllables
4 syllables
6 syllables
8 syllables
2 syllables
 This is Graham's "I am..." poem:
Here is Graham's Color poem and of course he chose "Red" - his favorite color!
We worked on some more art projects last week.  So many different ways to draw a turtle! Charlie's version:
Graham's version:
I had my own version too :-)
I had Graham reply to his penpal/our old neighbor in Oklahoma and this is what Graham had to say about homeschooling - in comic form, no less:
If you're having a tough time reading his comic, here is it.  All of it is his interaction with me:

Photo 1 (top-left): 
- Graham: "But I'm doing it right."
- Mommy: "Well you're not"

Photo 2 (top-right) -- During a Zoom meeting
- Mommy: "Stop staring at that thing." (from the kitchen)

Photo 3 (bottom-left) -- During music practice, one minute later
- Graham: "I am done."
- Mommy: "Let's do this."

Photo 4 (bottom-right) -- Arguing
- Graham: "Yes"
- Mommy: "No"

Can you believe this??!  I sort of had to laugh out loud because most of it is quite true.  Ha ha!!!  How is it that they can't see I am doing this for their own good??!  Someday... perhaps... they will realize what I have to put up with for their success in life.  Someday!!!

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