Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Random Fun

Graham and Charlie has been busy with some fun in the yard.  Mostly with water.  I wonder how much our water bill is going to be this month!
No, Graham is not watering the plants.  He is trying to spray Charlie with the water hose. Charlie is stuck in the corner and trying to shield himself with a small golf net. Ha ha!

We bought some water balloons too recently:
Unfortunately, these were one-time water balloons.  Seems so wasteful!  Definitely first and last time buying these. 

The fence along the garden has been a useful spot to dry the boys' wet clothes :-)
What else have we been buying, you ask?  Nerf gun bullets!  And a lot of them!!!
I braved the boys and decided to hang out on the hammock last week.  It was a chilly day so I grabbed a blankie too.  Glad I didn't get smacked with a ball or nerf bullet!
And here is what happens when Graham and Charlie gets a hold of  my phone to take photos:
Graham used the Panoramic setting on my phone and instead of standing still, Charlie moved around during each snap.  Ha ha, pretty clever actually!  Here's what it would have looked like if Charlie just stood in one spot.  You'd get a nice "normal" panoramic picture like this one :-)
Kids these days... so much technology around them!  The school load seems to be less each week so as a reward after being done with schoolwork, Graham and Charlie have been playing more games on their computers.  I would say "educational games" only and they would say, "Oh, this one is about strategy.". What does that even mean??! Ha ha!

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