Saturday, May 16, 2020

Front yard work

The weeds in the front are just vicious!  It's like one minute you take care of it and then by the following week, boom! The weeds are back! Whhhaaat..!!? You can't even tell from the photo where the actual plants are and where the weeds start/end.  Okay, it has been more than a week since I attended to the weeds :-P
I decided to try a little project with Graham and Charlie:
We've been getting a lot of twigs on the ground from the big tree by the sidewalk.  We tied bundles of the twigs to create some sort of border for the mulch.  Maybe that might hold the mulch in place instead of having to buy more bricks/pavers? I believe they call this up-cycling but not sure if it is working.  Hmm... might need to think about this some more: 
Halfway there with the weeding! Thank goodness for the nice and thick kneeling pad that was a Christmas gift from a very good friend:
I kept tripping over these "ice plants" so I decided to offer some to our neighbor.  I think these will eventually have some nice purple flowers on them.  All the other succulents are growing so nicely! 
I trimmed the Poinsettia plant a few months ago and looks like it is slowly trying to recover from it!
Ahhh... so much better!!!  Now you can actually see the pathway :-)
I actually decided to do all this weeding on Mother's Day last Sunday.  It ended up being quite pleasant, all alone with nature.  Ha ha!  I spotted a ladybug:
You can't really tell from this photo below but there were bees everywhere as they were enjoying all the flowers from the plants:
And then, this HUMONGOUS bee showed up!!! It was like the size of a hummingbird!
Okay, I may be exaggerating but it wasn't far from one. Just glad I didn't get stung by any of the bees. That wouldn't have ended Mother's Day on a nice note.  I better get that weed barrier fabric done soon before those weeds come back again!

Here's another up-cycling project for the front yard.  I cut a few more pairs of old shoes.
Hmm... not sure if I am liking this either but maybe once the entire path is completed with shoes, it might look better???
Looks like more yard work tomorrow!

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