Sunday, May 31, 2020

Happy Birthday, Bobby! (Part 1)

It's Bobby's 50th birthday!!!  Well technically, it's still the day before his birthday, so he is not quite there yet.  Somehow we have come up with this new tradition of being able to open up one birthday present the day before.  Sooooo... no peeking as we didn't wrap up the gift:
Ta da!!! Here's our handy-dandy decoupage work on a pop-corn tin that we got for free.  And we used Daddy's favorite newspaper - The Financial Times, and we tore up little pieces of number to put the date at the bottom of the tin:
Graham also made Daddy a nice hat, or his new "thinking cap" for his work :-)
Since there was so much glue left, I decided to decoupage my own little trash bin as well with another pop-corn tin:
I used 2 pages from the "How to Spend It" magazine, which is also part of The Financial Times actually.  It's a magazine that comes in every weekend.  The second page I used was blue in color and has jewelry on it:
Yup, lots of bling! :-)
We don't have much planned for Bobby's birthday tomorrow, but we still have a few birthday gifts up our sleeves.  Can't wait for him to open them :-)

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