Thursday, July 30, 2020


We have so many more spiders this year.  At least I don't remember having so many of them last year!  One spider was literally making a web from the ceiling to one of our hanging fixtures and onto Bob's computer on our outdoor dining table - WHILE we were having dinner.  Sheesh!

Graham and Charlie were excited about getting the camera out and taking some photos of the spiders:
Charlie our little shirtless photographer:
Graham, on the other hand, LOVES to take panoramic photos.  I have yet to figure how to do that on my camera.  Ha ha!  Clever fella:
We found this spider making a web from the roof to our outdoor umbrella:
We were trying to get a photo of the web but not having much luck:
Graham took this next photo of the spider - he said it's like an x-ray.  Ha ha! 
I just called the pest control today and they will be coming next week.  Hopefully we won't have too many more spiders after that!

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