Friday, July 31, 2020

Graham's (violin) posture

I don't know much about playing the violin but I think I've seen enough professionals play, especially more recently online via the LA Philharmonic.  And I know their postures don't look like this:
I brought up my concern to Graham's teacher and sure enough, she said the same thing!  That's unfortunately something that is missed during online lessons since Graham's entire body is not on the computer screen.

Graham's teacher was nice enough to have a quick video chat with us yesterday despite not having a lesson this week.  And wow, what a difference a few minutes make!
First off, we had to switch out his old shoulder rest to one that is padded from one end to the other end.  I still have to constantly remind him to keep standing taller when he is practicing, but at least we are back on the right path.  The worse thing I want Graham to have is a crooked spine and a bad back for the rest of his life!!!

Hmmm.... not too sure about these TV-watching postures though:
These two are definitely brothers in this sense.   Ha ha!!!

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