Sunday, July 5, 2020

Drywalling around ac unit (Part 2)

After a week's work of installing the new ac unit, this is what I'm left with:
Obviously I couldn't just leave the wall looking like that, let alone having newspaper shoved in between the wall to cover up the hole.  So, my dry-walling skills will be truly tested!  I have never done this before so here goes!

After watching a few How-To videos online, I started by cutting up the drywall to size:
Cutting was the easy part.  It was the fitting to the gap that was challenging as I cut it just a bit too wide.  After a few minutes of finagling,... one part down and 3 more bits to go!
Once all the drywall were fitted, I then had to put same tape around the seams:
It's already looking so much better! :-)
Now comes the tricky part, putting up the compound and sanding it down:
The compounding part was easier as you just sort of slap it on to cover up all the seams:
I discovered some old tape that were peaking out, so why not slap more compound on that too!
Here's what we have at the end of the day... almost the size of the state of Oklahoma.  Ha ha!
These drywall repair clips were really handy.  I'm so glad I spotted them during my shopping spree for dry-walling products:
So I learned a trick where you can use the vacuum while you sand, but just in case - I have covered up most of the furniture:
Thankfully I have an outdoor vacuum too!
It was a bit difficult sanding just as I had predicted as I didn't really know how much pressure to put on.  I sanded down too much at certain parts so the tape was showing up again. And of course the sides of the compound where it touches the wall is really difficult to make smooth.  So I had to put another layer of compound once I was done sanding the first time:
While I wait for the compound to dry, I decided to open up a couple of boxes in the garage.  These have been unopened for the past 1.5 years.  Ya... I was feeling brave!
I even took up another project while waiting for the compound to dry.  Unfortunately, it does take about a day for everything on the wall to dry.  I'll be sure to post about this project later!
Tada!!!  I'm just happy that I found the correct paint color and there was plenty of it to spare for this dry-walling project:
Hmm... you can still see the uneven compounding and sanding work.  Good thing I didn't unplug the sand paper and vacuum away yet:
All done!  You just have to stand this far away from the ac unit so you don't see anything on the walls :-)
This indoor project is now complete!  Just cleaning-up.  Looks like I didn't place those newspaper down on the floor very well:
Might as well fix up this rug.  It started to get more slanted and slanted as the boys jump and run from that one step in this step-down living room:
I made Bobby vacuum and of course, everything goes with some sort of dance:
Aaaahhhh.... my "throne" is finally back where it's suppose to be!  And new ac unit is looking so much better than what we previously had:
And I finally called our trash collector agency and they said we could just put the old ac unit on the curb.  Bye bye squeaky ac unit!!!
I think Bobby is going to miss this squeaking the most!  Just one more time for old time's sake:
So glad we don't have to listen to this any more.  Almost sounds like an old clunky car:
Ya, no... Bobby was obviously being sarcastic about just taking a video of my new clock.  Our neighbors are probably so glad this "old squeaker" is no more :-D

Now I just have to deal with this part of the wall outside.  Stucco-ing is another new skill that I get to add to my resume once I'm done with this.  LOL!!!
Stay tuned for the stucco-ing post :-)

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