Saturday, July 25, 2020

Backyard updates / Hanging chair

I decided to move a few plants around the backyard.  These nice pretty flowers were sort of tucked towards the back, so I moved them to where one of the tomato plants were so I can see them more: 
Well, I might be regretting that decision now because I totally over-watered it after the transplant and now my pretty blue flowers are totally wilted!  Boo hoo...!!!

I did buy these other ones and they seem to be doing well. So far at least... fingers crossed:
I've moved my (old) tomato plant into the garden.  I know, not looking so good at all! There were so many bugs and dried leaves that I decided to just chop everything off - as you can totally see here.  Ha ha!  Maybe it might still live??? Good thing the nursery isn't too far if I need another tomato plant: 
Although, I've been the only one eating all the tomatoes.  I have just started making some bruschetta so at least Bobby is helping me eat all these tomatoes from our other plant.

By the way, remember I bought some new lavender to replace the old one recently? Well, Lavender v2.0 is dying too! Nooooo...!!!
And yup, over-watered this one too.  See, here is the problem.  I keep thinking that wilting is caused by under-watering. So, I would water the plants even more and totally drown them even more.  Double Oops!

Thankfully the roses are still doing well.  This particular rose bush is my prized-possession, so to speak.  It's amazing how there are 2 different color roses on the same stem:
And within a few days, the yellow becomes more pink and the pink becomes more white.  Pretty amazing!
Finally decided to hang the swinging chair on the pergola.  I had to use some L-brackets for the joints to prevent the pergola from swaying too much.  Maybe it will prevent the pergola from coming apart?!!  I did tie the chair on 2 slates on the top and it did hold up my weight.  Toes crossed too then??!
You can really tell the difference between the part of the pergola that has been stained (left) versus the unstained part:
And oh, I used Graham's old umbrella from the LA Zoo for a little bit of shade.  The umbrella was sort of broken but I glued the top back together and tied it onto the swing.  So far so good, the umbrella has not blown away!  Bobby did ask me if the umbrella was holding the swing up.  I guess that's how it looks from afar.  Funny!

Time to fix up the edging!
We're finally getting somewhere with this backyard.  I'm so happy that this is it for all the edging in this backyard.  Yay!
And again, more mulch!  Except I ended up buying a different brand so it's looking a bit inconsistent.  But if anything, it's sort of a soft landing if the boys fall off the chair or if the pergola breaks.  Hmm... maybe I should put that cement stepping stone over here then???
Still haven't figured out what to do on this side area by the solar light:
I didn't take a photo of it yet but I did decide to put some gravel and also some golf balls.  Yes, you heard right - golf balls.  Why you ask? Because I can.  Ha ha!  They were from my practice bag from many years ago and the golf balls are all probably totally out of compression and usable anyway.  Photo to follow next time!

In the meantime, this chair/spot is kinda cool especially when you look up and there's the giraffe looking back at you :-D
Well, Charlie was putting the chair to the test today by kicking the nearest post and swaying and going in circles.  So, so far so good!  The chair is still hanging and the pergola is still in one piece!

And oh, here is my "fix" from the fencing paint job.  See... you can't even see where the broken part of the fence is.  Okay, the dark shadow is sort of blocking part of the painted stick too. He he!
And finally, one more extra large zucchini!   I can't keep up with making all this zucchini bread so this one went to the neighbor:
And in return, she gave us some of her chicken's fresh eggs.  I am still so amazed at those colors!
We are so thankful for lovely neighbors!

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