Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More backyard beautification

I know, this project in the backyard is a constant one!  Might be a while until I am finally done so bear with me until it's done.  But will it ever ever be done???! :-D

But before that, check out this guy up on the tree toward the back of our neighborhood.  This pine tree was super tall!  He had probably already trimmed down 1/3 of it.  That chainsaw was on pretty much all day long.  I'm guessing he is not afraid of heights!
Okay, I must be OCD because I still can't decide on the pattern for these pavers on the side of the house:
I thought that maybe these other odd-looking shaped ones would be better but no, I think I'll stick with the square and rectangle ones:
I did use them instead for our flower bed:
This section is looking so much nicer after taking out about 4 rose bushes.  I did just throw one of them away as it did not like its new spot and decided to just die on me.  This one (photo below) in the pot seems to be doing well.  I hope it continues to do so, then at least I can finally get some green up along this arbor:
I found someone that sold Fuchsias.  I saw these pretty flowers at the Botanic Garden and really liked them.  Again, thinking of that hummingbird!
This pink Fuchsia finally bloomed.  I couldn't quite focus my phone camera on it.  Maybe I can take another photo next time with my actual camera:
I planted the other one into another hanging planter with a citronella plant.  Hopefully the citronella plant will do better here than in the backyard with more water:
Actually, here's another look at the Fuchsia flower:
Still needed more plants from the store.  Oh, bought our first milkweed plant!  Hoping to maybe get some Monarch butterflies!
The old lavender plant didn't last very long so... just have to replace with a new one.  Ha ha!
This spot in the very back is always a bit muddy because of one of the sprinklers so I thought that maybe some ground cover might work:
Just maybe??!  We'll see how it goes as ground cover always takes forever to grow and yup, cover up all the ground:
And something is digging in the backyard too!  I keep having to put some plants back into the dirt.

And no, I am not setting up a soccer goal post here for the boys.  It's just a makeshift trellis for the cucumber plant.  So far nothing is crawling up the "trellis" yet, so again - another waiting game!
This corner is coming along nicely.  Here is the before:
These rubber edging is really working out:
Tada!!!  Mulch and pea gravel always makes things look better.  And the potato plant in the green bag (to the right) is growing nicely too.  I wonder if we are really going to get homegrown potatoes!
As usual... more mulch:
And more pea gravel - actually here's the before:
After!  Ahhh... looking better :-)
Carrying all these heavy bags of gravel is not helping my wrist.  I hurt it while working in the backyard.  Using some sports tape for support :-(
Here's another look at the potato plant.  It has grown even more since this photo was taken:
And speaking of growing, look how funky this tomato had grown into!
Hopefully it is safe to eat.  Ha ha!!!

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