Thursday, July 30, 2020

Graham's new Tamagotchi

If you're wondering what a Tamagotchi is... it is a virtual pet.  The word itself is a combination of "Tamago" which means "egg" in Japanese and "uotchi" which means "watch" in Japanese.  I remembered my highschool friends having these when I was growing up!  Just reading up some more on it, it was introduced in 1996:
And wow, did you know that Hello Kitty turned 40 years old in 2014 and was worth about $8 billion a year then?  I wonder how much it is worth now??!  So anyway, I digress. This Tamagotchi is tiny and it beeps when it wants attention.  You have to feed it, play with it, and then clean up it's poop before it eats the poop.  I know, pretty disgusting!

I had to take another photo of Graham in his new surf hat.  It straps around his neck.  Hopefully this will prevent future sun-burnt cheeks during body-boarding!  This hat is so cool I might have to get one for myself :-)
So far, the "pet" has already died once.  We were out golfing and I told Graham to leave it alone while he had to tee-off.  A couple of minutes later once we got back into the golf cart, it was dead!  Geez, talk about being impatient!!?  Was it really my fault?  Well, thankfully there is a reset button and we are back to having his pet being an egg again.  It evolves into a bird-like thing after a few hours/days. If only that were true for real pets and life.  Ha ha!  I suppose I do that with my plants.  If it dies, I just go out and buy a new one.  LOL!!!

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