Thursday, July 30, 2020

New hobby - Nail Art

I guess all this time stuck at home has brought me to this - nail art.  Yes, I actually bought one of those kits online:
I've tried to put some flowers on my nails before but it's so much easier with these fancy tool.  And I put a little "dazzle" on it too:
Who knew I was missing out on so much fun!  It's amazing what is out there with nail art.  I was watching a video online and wow, totally flabbergasted at what you can do!!!  And how much professionals charge to do it!

But in the meantime, looks like I need lots of practice :-)
And I'm going to need lots more different colors too.  My inventory is pretty low since I was never quite a nail polish kind of person.  I should have Charlie get involved with me since he loves art and I would definitely classify this as art! :-D

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