Sunday, July 19, 2020

Botanic Garden - July 4th

Another great day to be at the Botanic Gardens!  It's July 4th and thankfully not so busy here.  Somehow I have never noticed this plant before and it is just past the entrance a little bit.  It's almost quite "ugly" actually.  I made Charlie stand next to it for size reference.  Obviously he wasn't very enthusiastic about it:
I also made the boys stand next to these plants for size reference.  We have these in the front yard and they are only at ground level.  How long before they get this big??!
The Magnolia flowers are pretty today:
I'm surprised the boys' foam airplanes are still intact:
Actually,  Graham thought that he may get his airplane airborne by kicking it on the tail.  And as expectant... the foam broke into pieces.  Thankfully it was fixable by super glue.

So far, this is our perfect spot at the garden.  Boys love climbing this tree and also playing hide-and-seek in and around it:
We had to check their heads for ticks at the end of our trip.  I'm not sure if there are ticks around this area but just in case!

Looks like a little wrestling is in order here:
Someone is going to hurt themselves:
Need I say more???!
Actually, Bobby did hurt his pec at the end of the day.  I guess he is not as young and flexible as he think he is.  Ha ha!

Well, it's rest and snack time for Mommy and the boys:
And here is Bobby's well-deserved nap.  Snoring included.  LOL!!!

I really need to incorporate some sort of raised bed like this with the water reservoir.  It's genius!
On the way home, we drive along the beach.  The Governor had closed the beach the entire holiday weekend due to the Coronavirus:
We went to our favorite crepe restaurant and ordered our favorite crepes.  Graham and Charlie are definitely spoiled!  Okay, I guess we are at fault here since we are the ones spoiling them.  Ha ha!!!
The fireworks display was also canceled for July 4th by the Governer but check this out... there were fireworks as far as the eye could see from our back patio.  It started from about 7:30pm until after 1am:
And the crazy thins is ALL this fireworks are illegal!!!  Well, seems that we can't stop what people want to do around here.  Just as long as we are safe and sound at home.

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