Sunday, March 29, 2020

Spring Break! Tackling some home projects

It is officially Spring Break!  Phew... I was getting so beat up from 2 weeks of homeschooling. Ha ha!  I really wonder how these families that homeschool do it.  And most of them have like 4 kids - at least the ones that I know of.

So, first off... been wanting to hang this on the door that leads to the garage for the longest time.  Technically, this door is not to code (not fireproof) so eventually it will need to get changed out.  So why not put some holes in it while we can. Ha ha!  Graham and Charlie still struggle to get their hats from the bench rack, so figured this would make this easier - once we all get back to our normal school routine... whenever that might be!
One task done... check!  Next on the list is sealing our bathroom floor tile.  I had to put up a sign for Bobby not to use our bathroom.  The bottom illegible part that I wrote down reads as follows: "Do I really sound like that???!?"  Just an inside joke about how Bobby has been making fun on how I sound like when I tell the boys to do something.  Nice, eh??! 
Here we go! I started at 9pm and actually had to wait an hour before the 2nd layer. I guess I really didn't think this through so much when it came to the start time!  Although I have been going to bed really late, so it didn't matter too much:
Shower floor tile sealed... check!  And yesterday, I decided to paint this door that's in our bedroom door.  The previous owners must have rented this master bedroom out as it is the only explanation for this door that leads into the backyard patio.  I didn't paint it when we moved in because we thought we would just remove the door and seal it off.  But then, the movers used it to move our big heavy bedroom furniture into the room.  So maybe we should keep it?  But this white just didn't appeal:
So.... looks like this might take a few coats.  I am doubting my decision now:
Urgh... almost there!
Now you see it, now you don't! Ha ha...
I could still see some of the white from the door, so had to paint that a bit.  Also some white on the other side of the door frame, but too much work involved so nope, not doing it!
In the meantime, boys are having fun playing badminton in the backyard.  Although looks more like a tennis swing!
Moving on...!  I was determined to get the other raised bed done up.  Thankfully it was a bit smaller than the other one and thankfully the one big bag of soil was sufficient:
The boys continued to play in the yard.  So glad we have this yard!
Graham is crocheting. Ha ha! Love it!
This lizard scared me a little.  I probably destroyed its hiding spot:
Tada!!!  Planted edamame in this plot.  So glad to find out that these plants don't need to be staked.  For some reason I thought they would need some sort of trellis to climb but nope!
We'll see how long it will take for this to grow.  No mulch so I used some rocks that I found while digging to hold the weedblocker down:
So far so good on the corn too and look, our Venus Fly Trap is growing a little bit too.  Still so tiny but I can definitely see that it's grown after all that rain!
And jackpot!  Look at all these veggie seeds that I found in the garage! 
Better start planting some more salad/greens too.  Maybe that will motivate the boys to eat some??!  Graham found some sunflower seeds and so he planted some of those.  Will keep you all posted on that.  Supposedly it's good to plant those with corn.  Who knows why??! I just believe everything I read on the internet :-P

Okay, so here goes... supposedly the high excess of Nitrogen left from the corn is good for sunflowers.  And sunflowers that eventually die off is really good for your soil as it increases the organic content and the water holding capacity of your soil. Who knew! See... you just learned something new today. You're welcome :-)

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