Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Planting corn

We are planting corn!  We planted the seedlings a couple of weeks ago and now they are about an inch or so high.  Not sure if I can put it into the ground yet, but what the heck.  Let's see what happens!  But first, need to get rid of all this grass in this designated raised-bed area:
I had put some black garbage bags over this area but it is taking a long time for these grass to die.  I'm not sure what's more difficult - to try and make grass grow or make grass die. Sometimes I feel that making grass die is more tricky! Ha ha!

I had Graham and Charlie give me a hand.  It didn't last very long as they couldn't get the shovel into the ground:
Looks like Momma is on her own!  I did get Bobby to bring over the 3 big bags of soil.  Thank you, honey! :-)
Just this one section for today.  Still have to work on the other side but I am out of soil:
Boys are back to help plant the corn and also to water.  Hopefully they will remember to hand-water as we haven't been turning the sprinklers on!
Ta da!  Haha, they are so tiny you can hardly see them in the photo!  I planted 5... 3 in the front and 2 towards the back.  I have no idea if that's how it works with spacing, but guess we shall find out when the corn grows.  Knee-high by 4th of July???

Or if the corn grows??!
Wait, do raccoons eat corn stalks???  Look what I just read online:
"... raccoons love sweet corn just about as much as people do" and "The most effective way to prevent damage to sweet corn crop is to encircle the area with an electric fence."
We might have to come up with some sort of Rube Goldberg machine for this. LOL!!!

Alright, I digress.  Finally to finish up, a layer of weed protector and some mulch:
I forgot to take a photo at the end with the mulch.  It was my last bag and so it didn't completely cover up the entire area.  Still debating whether to make that trip to Home Depot... this virus I tell you... :-\

At the last minute, I decided to move a couple plants from the front yard into the backyard. There were a couple plants that were getting too big for the garden bed in the front. Not sure how these succulents on the ground look in between the two trees, but it's getting too cold to work anymore for today.  This wind, I tell you.  Brrrr....!
Just looking at this photo again, wow... these succulents are some interesting looking ones. Ha ha!!!

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