Thursday, March 19, 2020

Baseball Little League

Graham and Charlie were so excited about baseball this Spring!  But unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus and like every event around the city/state/country/entire world as a matter of fact, it has now been postponed.  Hmmm... I think they said postponed and not canceled (as of yet).

This year, Graham is with the Yankees.  He didn't make it to the Try-Outs and so we were thankful when he was placed with an awesome coach!
And I'm so glad the coach tells him to stay on his feet and be ready!  I don't have to yell at him from the other side of the fence when he is out on the field and on all fours???  I believe at this moment he was getting ready to do a somersault:
Charlie, on the other hand is with his same coach from last year.  But they are playing for the Indians this year:
Baseball practice is tough!  Glad they are happily sharing the new bench together:
Opening day for baseball was earlier in the month:
Looks how big some of the other kids are compared to Graham, although you can't see him in this photo below.  He is #1 and is at the front of the line.
Nothing like loading the kids back up with sugar on the very first day!  I despise that snack shack!
Both boys had their first game after the Opening Day that same day. All the kids say the Pledge of Allegiance before each game:
Charlie is Lucky #7!
Here is Charlie batting during his game:
Ya, that's me... proud Momma moment! :-)  Charlie was always a good hitter - such determination.  This next video is of him from last year/season:
I don't seem to have any of Graham's batting videos.  Hmmm.... I thought I took some at his practice but can't seem to find them anymore :-\

Graham and Charlie won both their first games! Bobby was at Graham's game in the morning and then I took Charlie to his game in the afternoon (or "arvo" as my Australian friend would say).  And then Bobby showed up at the end of Charlie's game so I could go home and nap, oh wait... I mean run some errands around the house.  Well, he would never really know :-P

I also finally put this bench out in the front of the house.  It's pretty much in the flower bed but as long as the boys don't fall over :-)   This way, they can change out their dirty cleats outside of the house.  They were tracking all sort of mud into the house!  It was a bench from our "Phoenix house" when the boys were toddlers:
The following day... Picture Day!
In a distance from our baseball field/hill, we can see a cruise ship. Looks like it will probably not be going anywhere for a while:
After the official photos, it's Mommy's turn to take photos of Graham and Charlie.  Such cheeky looks!
Charlie is in his Crocs because Graham couldn't find his cleats.  And so Charlie had to lend his cleats to Graham.  Luckily, they are almost about the same shoe size.

And speaking of size, we upgraded Graham to another glove size.  So the one on the right is actually a glove that we had upgraded him to this season. But even so, his coach said it was still too small!  So we went out and bought him another new/bigger one.  The one to the left is a glove that he started with last year. So tiny!
We had every game written down on a big calendar and taped that to the back of our front door.  Most games were Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturdays for Graham and Thursdays and Saturdays for Charlie.  And the League was going to play against another nearby league so Bobby and I would have had to split up to take the boys to different fields:
Well, looks like we don't have to worry about any of for now since all the games have been postponed/canceled.  And so looks like it would be a little while longer before Charlie gives us one of these dances again.  Check it out:
Ha ha!!!  What a ham!

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