Saturday, March 28, 2020

First trip out of the house (since Safer-at-Home order)

Technically it won't be the first trip out of the house for Bobby and I since we have had to do some grocery shopping.  But both Graham and Charlie have not been out at all since the Stay-at-Home order. Actually, they haven't been out since homeschooling started 1.5 weeks ago!  I'm surprised that they haven't complained more about going out.  Perhaps they do understand the situation that faces all of us at this time.

Graham and Charlie are ready with their cameras.  This is the first time both of them have a camera each and on a mission (some sort of mission that Bobby and I will only find out soon enough).  I am trusting Charlie with my big camera!
It is now a timed entry into the Botanic Gardens.  Honestly, I am really surprised that this place is even still open to the public.  I mean ALL beaches and nature trails and parks are ALL closed!  As you can see, the place is empty. Yay on social distancing!
Bobby made sure to show me this plant, which he said is also known as the "Husband Plant".  Ha! Ha! If only... :-P
Bobby and I loved how the boys were so into taking photos:
So intense!
I got it too! Do you see the snail on the leaf? Although I'm going to blame the wind on making the image out of focus on my phone :-P
Bobby is taking the lead in this stretch:
Interesting looking flowers/plant:
Hmm... no one is waiting for Mommy to protect her from the "High bee activity area"!!!!
I swear that bee flew away just as I click the camera on my phone.  At least the flowers are pretty :-)
I told you :-)
Graham and Charlie found something!
It's a bunny rabbit!
We are slowly sneaking up on it:
Here's the rest of the sneaking up on video:
Too cute!!!

After all that excitement, we are taking a break at an open space.  We literally have the whole place to ourselves:
Not too much quiet time for Daddy though!
 The boys are such monkeys.  They love laying on top of Daddy!
A fun day at the Gardens!  I love Charlie's little silly face right in the very corner :-D
Hopefully the Gardens will continue to stay open.  It was definitely really nice to get out and stretch out our legs.  I have definitely been home for too long too!  Plus, even my stretchy leggings are getting tight around the waist.  YIKES!

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