Sunday, March 29, 2020

Golf camp (Feb 24-27)

Somehow it has taken me this long to post about the boys' golf camp.  This was over a month ago now at the golf course that's not far from us.  I think it took me this long to post because there were so many videos to download!

I am so happy to see how Graham's swing has miraculously improved!

Graham's swing from April 2017:
I love these memories from Abu Dhabi Golf Club.  Graham was only 7 years old then, pretty much how old Charlie is now.  At the end of the video, it's funny how he notices how he is only his tippy toes and facing the wrong way. Ha ha!

Graham's swing from July 2018:

Graham's swing today:
His balance is so much better and I LOVE his tempo!  Maybe he is paying attention to all those things that I am telling him :-P

Charlie's swing has somehow gotten shorter and faster.  Must be the influence from baseball!

Here is Charlie's swing from last year:
Charlie's swing today:
Still not too shabby!  He is such a natural.

Graham is always loving the bunkers.  At least he is in there trying to get the ball out vs raking the bunker like he always enjoyed doing when he was a toddler:
We took a brief stopover by the lighthouse on the way home from the golf course one of the evenings.  I think Graham said he saw a blow spout of a whale?!  I didn't see it but still worth the stop. It's so pretty here:
Boys will be boys - climbing on rocks:
Sun is almost going down:
On another day after golf, we are stopping over at a fast food restaurant for dinner.  Daddy is away for work and Graham had to reschedule his violin lesson at another location.  So, we only had 30 minutes before getting to his lesson!
On the last day of Golf Camp, there is the usual putting competition. The view from up here is not too shabby either:
Look who came in 2nd!
 Here's a highlight from Graham's putting competition:
Charlie had some good putts too but then he had a few clunkers too - 3 or 4 putting at a hole.  Here is his highlight though. You can tell he is really nervous (or at least I can :-)
Did you see Charlie wipe his forehead??! Ha ha!

Somehow Charlie got put in the same group as the older kids when he had been putting with the younger group.  So when it came to announcing the winners, his name was not called even after 3rd and 2nd place, and so he was expecting to win!  Inevitably, when they didn't announce his name at all, he was totally deflated.

After all that after-school golf in 4 days, the boys still wanted to practice.  Poor Charlie was obviously still upset:
Well, at least it's another pretty sunset to end our day:
The next day... another pretty day with the clouds!  This was my best photo-moment while driving :-P
Until the next golf camp!  I signed the boys up in the summer - towards the end of June. We'll see if it happens! I think we are still waaaaay behind the curve of slowing down the infection and death rate.  I was reading some postings today in a local App that there has still been sighting of kids having soccer and lacrosse practice and such.  Such silly people!  Don't they understand the "Safer at Home" order and "Social Distancing"??! 

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