Friday, March 20, 2020

Poor baby seal (March 12)

A friend and I were doing our usual walk along the beach... a week ago.  Wow,  was it only Thursday of last week??? Somehow it felt a lot longer than that.  Geez, this homeschooling thing is making me age even faster.  Ha ha!

Here's the baby seal.  Poor thing!  At first, we weren't even sure if it was alive:
And then, it lifted it's head and you can clearly see that it was not doing well.  It was shivering and very weak.  Thankfully there was a beach maintenance building not far from where the seal was and so I did my best to run over there while my friend stayed with the seal.  I say "run" but really eventually it was just "walk a bit fast" because the sand was so soft!

Anyhow, it didn't take long for the Marine Mammal "person" to show up.  I can't remember exactly what it said on his truck.  I was totally impressed at how quickly he showed up and how quickly he snagged the little pup! The guy obviously knows what he is doing although, the pup really didn't put up much of a fight:
You can sort of see how heavy this seal pup was even though it was small.  Can you imagine how difficult it would be to carry an adult seal??!  My friend and I assumed the pup would be taken to the Marine Mammal Center in San Pedro.  But I am looking up their website now and I can't find any information on our pup.  I'm going to just pretend it is safe somewhere else :-/

On a happier note, we have been seeing lots of dolphins every time we go for our walks along the beach.  But then, back on the sad note... the entire state of California is under a "Safer at Home" order.  It came in last night at midnight and is in effect until April 19.  That's one whole month!!!  And who knows, it might be longer than that.  I'm not sure if I can get through that much of homeschooling.  HEEEEELP...!!!!

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