Friday, April 23, 2021

Swim time!

We recently joined a swim club a couple of weeks ago. I knew this place existed but didn't realize how close it was to the house.  Best thing ever!  Graham and Charlie really miss being in the pool.  We have had such a luxury of being apart of many country clubs wherever we have lived, except for here.  It is just way too expensive here!

Boys are sporting their new swim gear:

Graham is struggling to get his swim cap on. Maybe I need to get a bigger sized one since they have so much hair on their head now!
It didn't take Graham long to venture up to the diving board:
Graham is such a natural off the diving board!  If only he is as graceful with everything else he does:

Graham is giving diving lessons to Charlie:

These kids are definitely spoiled now:
Here's Charlie's attempt on his first dive.  Looks like he will need to work on it some more:

After a little while, it's time for a snack:
And a quick drink:
It's too bad the snack bar closes so early.  I could eat a lot more than just a bag of chips.  Charlie is probably thinking the same thing here:
Okay, back to the diving board! Still not quite the elegant dive yet from Charlie:
While the boys play, I'm going to hit the gym.  It's a good thing it's just nearby to the pool, so I can still keep an eye on them (and try not to fall off the treadmill while I'm at it):
I only burned 65 calories in 15 minutes??! Whaaaat?!  No wonder losing weight is so discouraging:
Okay, going to try some weights/leg presses now.  I hope I don't hurt myself!
Surprisingly I wasn't too sore the next day.  Although, what does that tell me then... that I didn't work hard enough??! Hmmm...

In the meantime, Graham and Charlie are still jumping off the diving board:
Canonballs!!!  I think it's funny how Charlie has to wait for Graham to do it first.  He did the same thing when we were on the driving range.  I wonder why that it?  Perhaps he needs to see how Graham did so he can out-do him, as his competitiveness kicks in.  That's so typical of Charlie!
Okay, one last try off the diving board before we go home.  Maybe Charlie will get it this time???
Nope!  But we'll be back in a few more days, so maybe he will get it then.  Awesome first day at the pool.  I don't think there will be any complaints from the boys.  Plus, no complaints from me either. It was especially nice when we had the whole place to ourselves :-)

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