Monday, April 26, 2021

Science Olympiad

Graham has been listening to online lectures for Science Olympiad during most of the school term.  He finally had a chance to showcase his creations a couple of weekends ago.  He decided to do the Pasta Mobile and also the Egg drop tournament where you have to protect an egg that is being dropped from about 10 ft.

But first comes the fun part of building everything.  I did end up finally buying a glue gun:

It's amazing how well this glue works!

Graham wanted to try out his parachute for his egg drop first:
Here's the video - just glad Graham didn't fall off the roof! And no egg at this point:
A few more tries.  I like how Charlie is being helpful:
Well, come to find out that the parachute is not within the parameters of the Egg Drop rules.  So Graham has to move on to a different contraption.  And while doing so... Oops! Clean up on the dining room floor, please!
It's taken Graham quite a few days to build his pasta mobile.  And of course, Charlie wants to get into the fun of using the glue gun too, so he is building a Plastic straw Mobile:
I think it's a boat, as I found it by our bathroom sink recently:
Ta da!!!  I told Graham to fix those wheels but he still has this "good enough" mentality.  I only said that ONCE when he was doing a project a few years ago.  Urgh:
Well, his "Good enough" Pasta Mobile came in 2nd!  But then his "Good enough" contraption wasn't quite good enough for his egg drop during the day itself of Science Olympiad.  I'm just glad he didn't get upset:
Charlie and Graham also got to fiddle with the rubber-band flinging competition:
Oh, I sent the boys to the wrong school for the event.  I thought it was in our school but it wasn't.  Ha ha! I knew something was wrong when I missed Bobby's phone call that morning:
There was also the competition to build the tallest structure:
The other challenge on top of that was also to balance the tennis ball at the very top:
Good try, boys!
Looks like they both had a good time.  Charlie will get a chance to do this officially if he decides to in 4th Grade.  Hopefully they will actually get to work on all these projects in person at school, although I think that will mean early mornings before school.  Hmm... I may have to be careful what I wish for there. Ha ha! :-P

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