Thursday, April 22, 2021

Fixing minivan's turn-signal light bulb

I'm not sure how this came about - trying to fix our turn signal lightbulb that went out.  Probably just one of those conversations in the car with Bobby, saying "I can fix that!"

Well, I wasn't too sure how difficult it would be but after viewing an online video, yup - I can fix that! Ha ha!  The boys and I walked over to our local autoshop and of course, the light bulb cost more than it was because I ended up buying 2 more Hotwheels cars.  I don't even know why I let them buy these... Graham and Charlie hardly even play with them!

Anyway, following along with the video: Did you know that there are actually bolts on the inside when you open the trunk? That's how you pull that plastic cover off!

And the tough part was actually trying to pull the plastic cover off.  I wasn't sure if I was going to break anything when attempting that.

Found the spot to unscrew to get to the light bulb:
Easy peasy!!!
So not too difficult at all.  When I was trying to put the plastic cover back on, I did notice that I had pulled something off that was I wasn't suppose to.  So hopefully it went back into its spot when I pushed the plastic cover back on.  What could possibly go wrong? Plastic cover coming off when I hit a speed bump??!  Okay, I guess I better not joke too much about that.  One more task off the check list! Yay!!!

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