Monday, April 19, 2021

Random Spring Break activities

Here are some other random photos from Spring Break.  Anything to keep Graham and Charlie busy!

We are cleaning our box fans:

We are playing with bubbles:
I bought some bubble mix and it's amazing how well they work!
Spending some time at the park.  I think Charlie is trying to console Graham here after his fall.  So sweet to see that Charlie actually does care about his brother sometimes:
Time for a break!
On another day, we took a drive to get take-out at our favorite restaurant.  Can never go wrong with having take-out and eating it at the park!
Yummm.... fish tacos and grilled chicken and mash potatoes:
6 little desserts for 3 people??! He he he....
The boys have the entire field to themselves:
Time for another break!
Graham and Charlie had an awesome time sleeping on the couch during Spring Break.  I'm guessing because when they wake up, all they have to do is find that remote to turn on the TV - just like in a hotel room.  Ha ha!
Graham and Charlie were definitely upset when they had to move back into their rooms once Spring Break was over. That and no more video games in the morning too.  We just started a new schedule where the boys have "tasks" before their 8:30am video-call for school:
I brought in the white board from outside (under the back patio).  Looks like we are finally putting it to good use.  Charlie decided to make it look a bit prettier with flowers and grass:
Let's see how far we get along with this.  Charlie is normally done with almost all the task even before his 8am breakfast! Except for this morning - I had to wake him up at 8:08am! The swimming yesterday must have tired him out. We actually just joined a swim club recently.  So glad we have a place to go where the boys can spend some time outdoors.  More photos to follow on that :-)

In the meantime, there were drives to get boba:
Happy Easter!!! Graham is so excited about his chocolate bunny:
Oh wait, what??! The chocolate bunny is so small!
The boys also wrote some letters to their penpals during Spring Break.  So okay, I made them do it :-P
Another trip to find some ice cream - but looks like this place is now an acai place.  Graham had an acai pop covered in dark chocolate. Yummy!
And Charlie had an acai bowl with bananas and blueberries and granola.  Super yum!
And supposedly acai is good for you too, so it's a win-win!

It was a busy Spring Break!  Just overheard Graham's teacher and she said something like only 57 days more left before the summer break??!  I'm ready for break but not sure if I'm ready for Graham to move up to 6th Grade yet!

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