Thursday, April 15, 2021

Golf during Spring Break

I was planning on taking Graham and Charlie out to the golf course during Spring Break.  It had been quite a while since anyone had hit a golf ball so probably best to take a trip to the driving range first.

It's always so funny about driving to the other side of the hill.  Just as we get to the top, we spot the marine layer.  It still amazes me how this occurs so frequently:

I don't like having to hit golf balls with the masks on, but I guess this is the world we live in right now:
Here's a video of their swings.  It's really coming along!
I super-LOVE how Graham's balance is so good right now!  And Charlie still has his free-flowing swing.  Don't ask me what's going on with Charlie and that "club throwing" thing though. Ha ha!  And I think it's so funny how Charlie had to keep an eye on Graham first.  Charlie is so competitive!

Well, we never did end up playing on the golf course this past Spring Break.  I did sign the boys up for a golf camp this summer, so hopefully we'll have some more playing time then.  And also by then, I would be fully vaccinated as well.  Woohoo!!! Although, I just read the news that we might need the Covid vaccine annually - just like the flu shot!

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