Monday, April 19, 2021

Graham's new toy

Graham insisted on going to the hobby store during Spring Break.  He is such a big spender!  

We spotted this cute little car in the parking lot.  Reminded me so much of our trip in Rome quite a few years ago when we saw a similar one:

Never a dull moment with this kid.  He loves his toys!
He couldn't wait to get his airplane off the ground, except some flights were not so successful:
The poor nose of the airplane took quite a beating and already broke off after a few tries!  Nothing tape can't fix!
We finally had a few successful lift offs!
And then, Charlie accidentally broke off the tail bit:
I used superglue for that, but the glue started eating into the foam.  Noooo...!!!! Since I somewhat messed up Graham's plane, I only had him repay us 50% of what it cost.  Graham's toys are getting more and more expensive but he is earning the money from mowing the front and back lawn.  I wonder what he has in mind for his next toy!

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