Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Update on fish bowl

I can't believe Fishy is still alive!  We've had her since early September - that's almost 4 months! Our plant in the fish bowl however is looking a bit sad, so we sent Graham and Daddy to pick up a new one from the fish store/aquarium:

Fish bowl is looking much better now.  Bigger plant is the new one and smaller itty bitty one is the old plant.  I don't think the plant is getting enough natural light even with our "plant lightbulb".  Hmmm....
And Graham came back with a new snail too.  It's blue!
I think Bobby called it a "smurf" snail but somehow the name "Blue" is sticking.  I like it!

I hope this new plant survives a little bit better.  We've not figured out whether to take the plant out of the black plastic pot though. I told Graham to call the pet store/aquarium to ask if we should take the plant out of the pot, but he said "No, you do it!"  Ha! So I guess until I do... but I really still want to make him do it :-)

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