Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Recent happenings

I wonder how long this kid's rug is going to be propped against the corner of the front door.  It used to be in Graham's room but seems like both boys have outgrown it:

Last month was a busy month making pumpkin cheesecake pie (for Thanksgiving).  This first little batch was eaten so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to take a photo of it!  Here is just what's left in the sink.  Ha ha!
This year I didn't make my own crust as I did not go to Ikea to get the ginger snaps.  The store-bought graham-cracker crust turned out okay too thankfully.  I had to keep so many hands off this pie as that was for the neighbor:
Some more organization attempts in the She-Shed.  This is a never-ending story:
So many cans of paint and sealants from the previous owner.  I need to take these to the city for proper disposal (eventually!):
Okay, this is after the organization.  I picked up 2 used shelves.  I wish I could get rid of all that brick that's part of a gas/outdoor stove.  That would be quite the project and obviously will probably cost a bit more than my usual DIY:
Boys are back in the tent!  And Charlie is happily playing on his tablet in there and Graham is surprised at me checking in on them :-)
I have been making some chili for dinner during some cold nights.  It's been easy adding just a few ingredients to a can of chili that I've found at Target.  We are still getting tomatoes and green peppers from the garden.  Yummm... 
We are also getting some kale too!  Although, I'm not sure if Bobby is all that excited.  Ha ha!
Our good friend brought over some homemade biscuits the other day.  Super yum!!!  Obviously Charlie is very excited:
Here are my 3 "monkeys" on the couch after dinner.  We just bought the boys a couple of new stuffed animals.  Charlie has a whale and Graham has a dragon and these are actually weighted:
These weighted stuffed animals and blankets seem to be quite the thing now.  It's suppose to give comfort and a hugging sensation.  Graham actually has a weighted blanket and he seems to like it.  Perhaps gives him a sense of security? 

Bobby has occasionally been taking the boys back up to the baseball field to practice:
It's nice that most of the time it's quiet there and of course, it's quite the view there too with the harbor in the background:
Graham and Charlie seem to have grown so much just these past few weeks.  And Charlie seems to be filling out too.  A lot of their clothes are starting to look small, which reminds me - we will need to get some new sneakers for them soon too.  Hopefully their current ones will last until after the summer so they can both get new ones for their birthdays. I wonder what the pandemic situation will be then!?!

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