Friday, December 4, 2020

Random photos

A few random photos from the last couple weeks of November.  To start, here is almost always a familiar position for ALL 3 boys on the couch after dinner:

The last time I had the boys load up the dishwasher, the kitchen sink clogged up!  I'm not sure if it was some sort of sabotage, but those boys better not think they can get away from loading the dishwasher again.

In the meantime, it has gotten cooler at night!  
We've gotten down to the 50s at night now.  So we now have extra blankies on the bed and our portable fake fireplace/heater is also back out from the garage in the living room.  Even so, I've decided to pull out my fingerless gloves :-)
Funny enough, we haven't really turned on those new minisplit AC units for heat.  I did do it once for Graham's bedroom and I was totally impressed at how quickly (and quietly) the heat warmed up his room!

Here's the hair update - 3 months later after the buzzed hair cut.  It seems that I'm the only one struggling with bed head compared to Graham and Charlie.  Why is that??!
Charlie drew this stick man.  I call it "Dust art".  Yes... this house is so dusty!!! Somehow I just can't get to it very frequently :-/
We finally went to the dentist this past month and thankfully all good!  I thought for sure Charlie had a cavity but he was spared this time. Phew! But on the way home, we spotted a Railway Museum not far away.  How cute!
One day, if we remember - we'll have to come back and check it out:
By the way, we found the mouse!  Yup, thankfully dead along the side of the house.  I'm glad a cat didn't decide to eat it because I had obviously poisoned it:
I started crocheting again for a little bit, which means the boys are doing it too.  Graham supposedly is crocheting a blanket to donate. I love his thoughtfulness but he seems to be taking a really long time! Charlie is still struggling to hold the yarn, perhaps he will be better in a few more months with more practice:
I think I forgot to post this one the last time when Charlie made his screen-printing.  This kid is such a ham!
I'm glad I spotted the spider before anyone tried to ring the doorbell.  Wouldn't want to be responsible for any heart attacks!!!
The trail of shoes (soles) are finally complete!  
We will probably have a few more pairs of shoes to spare once the boys grow out of them.  Wonder if I should put more of them along the path?  Well, that's if I get to it.  There are some other projects I really need to get done first!

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