Friday, December 25, 2020

Caulking boy's bathroom

I've been wanting to this for the longest time and last week, I finally decided it was time.  It's just one of those things that keep bugging me and obviously not a fun thing to do.  It's a simple task but it just takes a while with all the prep.

This is what I'm dealing with here.  See that yucky brown gunk along the sink/backsplash? Blah!

But first, I have to clean the entire sink.  I mean, I might as well. The white stuff is actually baking soda  I told Bobby to buy me a box of it for baking and it bought me this mega box! So there's plenty to spare :-)
Okay, here comes all the "artillery".  So thankful that blue/painter's tape was invented:
Nice and clean and looking so much better!
And what's funny is I ended up cleaning inside the sink too/just under the countertop.  The caulking around there was nasty! I don't remember how I saw it but when I did,  And of course once I did, I couldn't un-see it.  I'm just glad I didn't cut myself with the exacto knife while trying to get the old caulk off.  I always try and make the effort now to wear working gloves.  

So glad this area is also looking pretty now.  Yay!
Speaking of exacto knife, my poor friend's little boy cut himself with an exacto knife today - on Christmas morning!  Poor kid.  They were in the ER most of the day getting his thumb stitched up.  So it is definitely a reminder for me to always wear my gloves anytime I'm handling anything sharp.  I even have to think twice sometimes when I am doing a project and just using regular scissors! You just never know. I mean, we all know my history with the screwdriver. Still brings chills when I think about it.  AaaahhhHHH...!!!

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