Friday, December 4, 2020

More bodyboarding and Dolphins!

This was about 3 weeks ago.  I'm lagging behind even more now with the postings!  Somehow there's just been a lot going on? Or perhaps it's just colder and I don't feel like doing anything other than sleeping in and watching TV.  Ha ha!

I was finally able to buy a used/smaller wetsuit for Charlie last month.  So I was also finally able to convince them to wear their wetsuits!

I should seek out a modeling agency.  Ha ha!
And off they go! The water is so cold.  Brrrr....
There were so many birds flying over the ocean today.  And then we also started to notice all the dolphins.  How cool!
Graham and Charlie are just oblivious to them now.  Ha ha, just another day in paradise :-P
Here's a video of the dolphins swimming to and fro near them.  Did you spot them?
I believe it was Veteran's Day today and thankfully the beach was nice and quiet:
I didn't have to worry too much about being too close to someone.  Covid has definitely changed our behavior about being near people!
Charlie found a Silver Dollar! Unfortunately it broke but nothing super-glue can't take care of :-)
Ahhh... the luxury of having a sailboat:
Too bad we don't know anyone that owns one!
Graham is so funny - he dug up a little "seat" for himself, right where the tides had left a drop-off.  This kid knows how to take relaxing to the next level:
One more photo of a dolphin near the boys!
Well, if you haven't noticed yet... I love dolphins :-)

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