Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Buttermilk biscuits

This is day 3 in a row now that the boys have requested for buttermilk biscuits.  My good friend Linda gave me a cast iron pan for Christmas and she also included a recipe for the biscuits.  And oh, she also gave me this interesting looking Danish dough whisk.  I've never seen anything like this before. What an interesting item!

And the Danish whisk works really well too! How have I not come across this before??!  

I have to be so careful with this cast iron pan that has already been sitting in a preheated oven at 400F.  So here's the before:
And 15 minutes later,... YUM!!!
And below is today's batch, which is the 3rd batch - and it was definitely the best so far.  I've added a bit more butter (why not!) and also a bit more salt and a bit more sugar.  I also used the whisk a bit more to form the dough and also left them in the oven to bake for a bit more longer: 
Super YUM!!! These biscuits really did fill us up for quite a big chunk of the day, although we didn't eat them until about 11:30am.  And I didn't make the boys' their lunch until about 2:30pm!  I hope these boys don't get used to this as school is starting back next week. Yikes!  I need to stop thinking about going back to school and just enjoying this holiday a bit more.

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